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Correct Answers:

Commonly spreads
Delete suspicious email.
Email simulation: Investigate
Carefully identify email sender
Email simulation: Action
Email sender is not legitimate. Delete the email from inbox and trash
Mobile ransomware
The impact
Download mobile apps from only trusted store.
The impact
Investigate email or text before click any links.
The impact
Suspicious email share with co-workers to identify
Prevent ransomware: Action
Backup systems, locally & in the cloud
Prevent ransomware: Action
Use Antivirus premium software
Prevent ransomware: Action
Frequently run security scan
Prevent ransomware: Action
Create Restore and Recovery


Similar to malware, ransomware is used by attackers to extort money from the target individual or organization.


Designed user to click on dangerous links — possibly divulging personal information, even financial information.


Cyber criminals can even embed password-stealing malware from a simple LinkedIn invitation.


Our advance programs simulate most highlighted real world threat events. Improve your memory recall.

Why Security Awareness Training is Important to all organizations ?

Research suggests that most companies have unprotected data and poor cybersecurity practices in place, making them vulnerable to data-loss, data breaches, ransomware and more.